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Medical Devices

ElectroWorld proudly presents the Range of Medical Devices for Hospitals, Home and Institutions. We are providing ETO Sterilizers, Plasma Sterilizers, Oxygen Concentrator Machines in Lucknow. Having highly satisfied and repeat clients from Government Hospitals, Medical Colleges and Private Hospitals and Nursing Homes, ElectroWorld provides solutions for Safe and Hygienic Sterilization of Expensive Medical Devices that could be safely reused after Sterilization in Plasma Sterilizers and ETO Sterilizers. The ETO and Plasma Sterilizers Kills all Germs and Viruses Making the Medical Equipment to be reused multiple times without concerns of spreading infection. Our Range of UV Air Sterilizers are again effective in killing Viruses, Germs, Fungi and Molds in Operation Theaters, Hospitals, ICU and all Critical Patient Support Areas.

Buy Medical Devices Online from our Store.

    54, Gautam Buddha Marg, LaTouché Road
    Lucknow - 226018


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