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Lightning Protection

We are dealers and installers of Earthing Systems for Lightning Protection in Lucknow. Our earthing and lightening protection devices protect buildings, telecom towers, monuments, and any building or structure which is prone to a lightning strike. The systems are CPRI tested and Approved and installed at many prestigious institutions namely Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL), IDEA Telecom, ITI, HAL, Vodafone, Airtel, RDSO, Northern Railways (NR), GAIL, Bharat Petroleum, Indian Oil, Sahara India and many others across India. We complete the projects and deliver high quality lightening protection systems in Lucknow and Uttar Pradesh.

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Our specialized team of earthing technician and lightening protection device installers are highly skilled and experienced to install lightning protection devices on surfaces and soils of all kind. We solicit your enquiry for surge protection and earthing solutions at your institution or business premise.

54, Gautam Buddha Marg, LaTouché Road
Lucknow - 226018


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